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Heart Chakra Mini Retreat for the

mind, body and soul!

Your heart is made of 2 atria on the top and 2 ventricles on the bottom. Coronary arteries feed oxygen rich blood while valves connect the chambers and nerve tissues keep the heart beating. Two organs are also associated with the heart: the endocrine gland, which produces the love bonding hormone which is the center of love. And the thymus gland processes many of the white blood cells produced in bone marrow and converts them into T-cells to help the immune system. The heart chakra also manages the circulatory system, blood, lungs, diaphragm, rib cage, breasts, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Today is about releasing fear and establishing a sense of peace in your heart. Your heart pumps 24 hours a day. Take 3 hours today to be mindful of it, to meditate to it, to soothe it with vibrational sound and love it with essential oils, hand reflexology and reiki.

What to bring, wear and do to prepare for this class:

Please bring a journal to write down personal notes and experiences.

Wear comfortable clothing, and prepare by starting to note what fear-based issues you are holding in your heart.

This is about digging deep to release past mistakes to love who you are now!

Limited seating is available. Please buy your ticket with the paypal link below to guarantee a seat. Walk ins will not be accommodated at the door if it is sold out.


Linda Pountney, MS, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Certified Instructors

Ilona Havrilla, Reflexologist and Singing Bowl Practitioner

Cheryl Case, Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher and doTerra Health Coach​

Location: Sharing the Light Wholistic Center in Avon

395 West Avon Road

Avon, CT

Date: February 29, 2020 2 pm - 5 pm

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